Educational freedom is being slept on and Shawna Bolick is awakening parents to the realization that opportunity is at their fingertips in the form of tax credits. Tune in to understand how you don’t have to be limited in your choice of schooling and how you can support and be actively involved.
Tune into this episode recorded live on site at high school camp. Lean in and hear as they pour out their heart and allow themselves to be transparent. Listen in as these kids share their input about social media, the pressures of life, and more!
God is always moving and God is always working, to accomplish His purposes in, through, and around His people. SOWERs (Servants On Wheels Ever Ready) live out their worship on the road. They follow the Lord (and the best weather they can find) to support ministries with tangible acts of service in ways that honor Jesus and help others who God is using to minister in many different ways and in many different states. Just wait until you hear the hearts and voices of the Sutters and the Chessers as we celebrate the ways in which these two couples, and the SOWER organization as a whole, show up to minister to ministers one road trip destination after another!
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As a child, his family seemed perfect on the outside. He went to church but was still living a life that was religiously lost. Poor life choices escalated and he was convicted for first degree murder. While on death row, Eddie McLoughlin found life in Jesus Christ. His story is captivating and cannot be told apart from the love and redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross. It is the gospel and it truly is the good news!
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In this episode, be challenged and inspired by Jeff Utsch, Founder and President of Heirs to the Republic. Join Jeff for a journey from the fields and lessons of Gettysburg to the heart of Patrick Henry for a powerful reminder of the personal responsibility to protect the United States of America. While training Navy Seals on the morning of September 11, 2001 Jeff found himself confronted to change. Learn more about his powerful journey and the Heirs of the Republic Expo held at Phoenix Christian Preparatory School on February 20, 2021 at 8 AM.
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In the Old Testament account of the captivity of the Israelites in Egypt, Pharaoh was calling the shots. At least it looked that way on the surface. In this program we are asked the question “who is Pharaoh” in America? Turns out it is us. “We the people…” Listen to Bob Harmison and Doug Napier and learn from their wisdom and experience how we can find a God-honoring balance that is neither loud and obnoxious nor quiet and disengaged.
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Special Agent Bill Czopek is the Public Information Officer with the Drug Enforcement Agency for the State of Arizona. Special Agent Czopek has a big job and collectively we all have a big problem. Everyday there are evil forces at work making the risk of drug addiction and accidental overdose an ever-growing concern for our culture and for the communities in which we live. Nobody is immune, nobody is without risk. Fortunately, everybody has an opportunity to make a difference and you can start making that difference today by listening to and sharing this episode of the Beacon. Listen, learn and share. Maybe you are a part of the unexpected solution to this unexplainable problem. Please ask God to use you and to use us to save the lives of people everywhere and even in our own homes from the wrecking ball that is drugs. We love people and we hate drugs! Please join us as we join Bill Czopek in the fight to save lives for now and for eternity!
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Nothing values people more than truly listening. When we tune everything else out and exclusively tune in to the person in front of us, we value them in a way that only God could design. Jordan Francis and Alex Martinez of Real Talk in Phoenix understand and are living out this truth. Just as importantly, Alex and Jordan are inviting us to live this truth with members of Generation Z in our own lives. Check out this episode and gain some valid perspective on the future of the world as shaped by the next generation of world changers. The best is yet to come!
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Where is God in the midst of pain? Where is God in the midst of loss? Where is God in the midst of grief? Hope Response, Inc. is a Christ centered organization deliberately and directly serving those with such heavy questions. Hope Response, Inc Founder and President Nick Piantedosi’s transformative awaking to impact others was born out of a potentially violent armed robbery. Decades later, Nick and his fellow Responders meet those in crisis in their loss, pain and grief. Tune in and learn how lives are radically changed in the midst of broken moments and simple conversations.
Dr. Jeff McGee is on a mission to unify the Human Race. His passion and His purpose are well aligned and he works every day to bring people together. Personal experience, professional research, and a spiritual calling come together in his latest book entitled, “One Human Race: Five Stages to Empowering Transformative Change.” If you have ever had a desire to see people come together but often aren’t sure where or how to personally start being part of the solution, this is the show. This timely book contains the guidance we all need to find what it takes to experience personally, and usher in collectively, a more peaceful and united life with others. Jesus boiled everything down to “loving God and loving others.” Dr. McGee digs deep into history and even deeper into God’s Word to help us all take meaningful steps to fulfilling Jesus’ words in us and around us. Purchase your copy of Dr. McGee’s new book at half price using the code, “PC” when you checkout.
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The doctor said, “Kenn, I don’t know if you will make it to the surgery, much less through the surgery.”
Based on the test results Kenn Kington was a dead man walking. His numbers were 30 times worse than the worst numbers on the test scale and there was no logical reason to explain why Kenn’s heart was still beating. But God answered prayer on Kenn’s behalf. He survived and God didn’t waste the opportunity. In Kenn’s latest book, and in this episode of the Beacon, he talks about what God taught him through the unexpected and difficult chaos of his experience. Listen and be encouraged. Share this episode with others and watch them be encouraged.
If you only have time to listen to one episode of the Beacon, listen to this one!
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With Christmas 2020 less than a week away the Beacon welcomes Noe Garcia, Pastor of North Phoenix Baptist Church, and Mike Fleischmann, Pastor of Bethany Bible Church to the program. We think you will be as encouraged as we are to hear the heart of these two men who remind us to remain dependent on Jesus and focused on God’s Word in whatever circumstances we may find ourselves. God is always working and we celebrate today and always the various ways in which He uses the unexpected to do the unexplainable for His glory and for our good. As far back as Bethlehem and as current as today, God is on His throne and we can trust Him beyond what we see or how we might feel. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Merry Christmas from the Beacon and from Phoenix Christian.
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Coach Mo Streety is a community leader and connector. He is the Head Track Coach at Phoenix Christian, he is a football manager with the Arizona Cardinals, and he is the Athletic Director for Field of Dreams in the Murphy School District. Most importantly He is a Christ-follower who values His relationship with the Lord and with others. From Detroit to Phoenix and still today along the way, the Lord continues to bless and use Coach Mo’s availability to pour into athletes. Whether he is working with first graders or elite professionals, his love for the Lord shines through to every athlete he trains and every person he meets. You will be encouraged by his story and will be amazed by the connections the Lord has provided throughout his journey with Christ.
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Join us in a intimate conversation as Jasmine Allred dives deeps and talks about her journey through infertility and how through the pain and the struggle she and her husband found joy in the most unexpected way. Listen in and hear this beautiful sorry of surrender and be encouraged as we are remind through scripture of His faithfulness.
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A fundamental human need is to find the sanctuary of loving arms. However, for thousands of Arizona’s foster care children living in the wake of disruption and uncertainty such basic needs may be out of reach. Arizona Baptist Children’s Services and Family Ministry’s Arms of Love’s passion is to provide foster care and adoption services for those wishing to provide safe, loving homes for children. In this episode, Arms of Love’s Maricopa County Director Nichole Tamburstuen and Arm’s of Love Maricopa County Assistant Director Debbi Baker share first hand stories of impact and their commitment to the sacred role of the family and the power of restoration. In this episode of the Beacon you will be challenged and encouraged to learn of Arizona Baptist Children’s Services and Family Ministries multidimensional pursuit for redemption and restoration of the family unit and our state’s growing foster care population.
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When she was only twelve, Senator Martha McSally’s dad died. Although she grew up around church, the years that followed were hard, confusing and sometimes even found her angry at God. In her sophomore year at the Air Force Academy she got to know this God with whom she had been angry on a more personal level and found Him to be gracious, faithful and steadfast. Admittedly, life after that has not always been easy. It has been especially hard this year as it has for many, especially in the passing of her fifty-eight year old brother. As she sang at her brother’s funeral she reflected on also having sung at his wedding. Even amidst pain and trials, Senator McSally knows personally that God is forever her refuge and her strength. She is truly a pioneer among women. As the first woman pilot to fly into combat, and through challenging the male dominated stereo types throughout her time in the service, McSally’s life’s work has led to greater equality and opportunity for every young woman who is bold and courageous enough to follow in her footsteps. In this episode of the Beacon, Senator McSally talks candidly and passionately about the significance of her faith journey and about stories of others from the Bible from whom she draws personally on her unique and very public journey in this life. We also find out how God’s perfect plans for Superintendent Jeff Blake led him personally through Washington DC on his way back to Phoenix and to a life of impact in Education.
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The Swaback family endured the loss of a generous and giving son and brother suddenly and too early in life due to a drowning accident. They were determined to celebrate Mitchell Swaback’s life and legacy by loving and helping others in the way he did. One of the ways Mitchell’s sister, Nicole Thompson, keeps her brother’s legacy of compassion and generosity alive is through three Harvest Compassion Centers located in Phoenix.
Every time they open their doors HCC meets the needs of their guests who come for help and leave with hope and the love of new friends. Heidi Dwigun is the Director of Operations at the North Phoenix location of Harvest Compassion Center. She joins us in this episode to celebrate the ways in which God is continues to use one family’s tragedy from years ago to ultimately usher in encouragement and hope for many who need it today.
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Steve and Teri Vogel had just dropped off their youngest son for his first year of college. They had just relocated and were living in an apartment. Their life together appeared to be taking the simplified shape of the typical “empty nester” couple. But God had other ideas… knowing that Teri and Steve possessed a desire to be useful in ministry, God invited them to enter the world of Foster Care. Since August of 2016, Thrive Arizona has helped hundreds, if not thousands, through the stated objectives of Prevention, Reunification, and in support of those who age-out of the system. In this episode of the Beacon we think you will be challenged and encouraged as you hear their story of obedience to the call of our God who cares deeply and intentionally for everyone they serve.
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Founder and Director of Unite PHX, Stephen Franke and Aim Right Ministry Director Caleb Reed are not ready to return to pre-Covid “normal.” Through the challenges of 2020, a beautiful renewed vision to serve is emerging. Stephen’s and Caleb’s passion for what is next is contagious. Our communities are rediscovering the value of interpersonal physical connection. Leaders all across Phoenix are beginning to take steps into our new “normal” with a vision for new methods and directions. Be inspired as these two leaders celebrate other organizations directionally pivoting to meet new challenges with great impact! God is guiding the Church together through adversity to sharpen His body for what is to come.
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Congresswoman Debbie Lesko is honored to represent Arizona’s 8th Congressional District. In May 2018, she was sworn into the U.S. House of Representatives after winning a special election and was recently reelected for a full two-year term. For the 116th Congress, Congresswoman Lesko serves on the House Judiciary, House Rules, and House Homeland Security Committees. She also serves as the Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues. In this special episode, hear firsthand the incredible life journey of a dedicated patriot serving our country. From her darkest days to finding herself beside the President of the United States aboard Air Force One, Congresswoman Lesko’s spirited message will remind the listener of our land of opportunity. Tune in to learn more of her journey and the critical issues of our time.
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Phoenix Christian Preparatory School is on a mission to launch the lives of hundreds of students year after year. Principal Ruth Zappe serves as the leader of Phoenix Christian’s Elementary School. Principal Jeannine Graden serves as the leader of Phoenix Christian’s Middle School and High School. In this episode, you are invited behind the scenes into the responsive planning to the unexpected realities of 2020. Along the way, these leading educators rediscovered the power of on campus–life changing education. You will also be blessed by the voices of elementary students as they share the impact of teachers and friends! Check out this episode to learn how educators found themselves on the front lines of unprecedented change.
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What if you could only shop at the Walmart in your neighborhood even though the Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods store was also close by and a better fit for your family? What if your Walmart decides not to open forcing you to have to get your groceries elsewhere? Should you be allowed to get groceries from another store? Should the Walmart that chose not to open be allowed to keep your grocery money forcing you to pay a second time for groceries? Corey DeAngelis is committed to getting the right answers to questions like these as it pertains to educational freedom and choice for families across America. He moved to Washington DC and has committed to talk candidly about this issue while working hard until educational dollars begin to follow the student to the right choice for that particular student. Suddenly, within the context of a Global Pandemic, while many public schools are choosing not to open Corey’s message is gaining an audience that just might be able to bring about significant improvements in the educational monopoly held by the government.
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Steve Smith is passionate about helping provide underprivileged families a better education. He believes the education needs of kids and families are too dynamic and unique to be molded into a one size fits all mentality. Currently serving as the Arizona State Director for American Federation for Children, the ultimate goal is to give parents the control and confidence necessary to be comfortable choosing the type of school that best meets their child’s needs. Tune in and learn more about how we can support school choice and provide educational enrichment opportunities to those who need it most.
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It is encouraging and comforting to know that people like Mark Finchem serve in the Arizona House of Representatives. Also joining us in this episode is Mark’s dog Hank, who is mourning the loss of his best friend, Patch. Hear Mark Finchem’s personal testimony about the power and impact of prayer. From his love and care for his animals to his strong faith in God, down to his great personality, Mark is one you would want to represent you. We invite you to listen on a conversation that is a great reminder of what God seeks from us and a thought provoking conversation about school choice and education freedom being a hot topic at the Arizona State Capitol.
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Joseph Zanovitch has learned a lot. God used addiction in his own life and a number of key friendships with those he met who were suffering through homelessness to bring about a safe place for people and families who find themselves living in their cars. Joseph grew up in Phoenix (Phoenix Christian alumnus, 1997) and moved to Los Angeles. While living in California he made friendships with many homeless people and when he moved to Longmont, Colorado and started working with Homeless Outreach Providing Encouragement (HOPE) he founded Safe Lots. Using underutilized resources in an empty church parking lot has transformed the lives of many short-term guests allowing them to get back on their feet, find employment, often moving back into a home other than their car. We enjoyed hearing the ways in which God is using Joseph’s availability to advocate on behalf of others and we think you might just gain a new perspective on Homelessness. We know that we certainly did!
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Nancy Barto and her husband Joe raised three daughters. Along the way, she became passionate about protecting pre-born lives. She showed up and spoke up and the next thing she knew she was serving in the Arizona State Legislature. Nancy has been at it for a while now and is a republican, currently running against an incumbent republican in the Arizona Senate. Nancy is on a mission. She is humble, but she is driven. Nancy doesn’t see herself as eloquent and she certainly isn’t a professional politician. Rather, Nancy asked God to use her any way that He sees fit and He is doing just that as she continues to be available to go beyond her comfort zone on behalf of others in obedience to the call God has placed on her life to serve the citizens of Arizona well. The Beacon Radio Show as well as our sponsor, Phoenix Christian Preparatory, supports Nancy Barto and we hope you will listen to this episode and support Nancy too.
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More than ever, justice is an important and weighty topic in our world. Our education system is what equips and transforms our next generation. More than ever, our parents need to be empowered to freely choose the school that best educates their child? Jason Bedrick, Director of Policy for EdChoice, is committed to educational freedom. He is an expert in his field. In this episode, he speaks to the importance of school choice and the benefits it brings to underprivileged families who would never have been able to afford the ideal education for their children. Listen in and be moved by the inspirational stories of how two mothers profoundly impacted our nation’s educational funding system! Find out how you can help make a difference at a school near you. Last but not least, please watch Miss Virginia on Netflix, as this movie is an embodiment of this week’s conversation!Organizations Mentioned:
Jesus came to seek that which was lost. He certainly had a habit of meeting the immediate needs of people along the way, but He always acted with an eternal mindset. Choices Pregnancy Centers don’t refer or provide abortions, but they do provide a safe place to talk, explore options, seek medical services, and learn about available resources. And just like Jesus, Choices provides clients with an opportunity to hear about the hope available to all of us for a better life found only in Jesus Christ. Marc Burmich is a passionate and experienced business professional whose expertise spans nine industries. Many years ago, God gave Marc a glimpse of a new and important role that He had for Marc that will surely have a profound eternal impact. Serving as the President and CEO of Choices Pregnancy Centers, Marc leads a dedicated army of coworkers and volunteers on the front lines where life and death decisions are made daily. Amelia Green, Phoenix Christian Class of 2020, understands what is at stake. That’s why Amelia chose a “bottle-drive” fundraiser as the Capstone Project for her Senior Honors coursework. We know you’ll be encouraged by the availability, obedience and faith of both Marc and Amelia.
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Jordan Francis is listening. RealTalk-Phoenix is building relationships with Gen Z and they are doing it the right way. They know that young adults listen to people who listen to them. They understand that today’s generation of young people are looking for people who are transparent, for people who care, and for people they can trust to do what they say and to do the right thing. Today’s young adults are all about community and love people from all different walks of life not because they look alike, think alike, act alike, or because of any other filter or threshold. They love them because they are an individual. We challenge you to ask God to open your mind and your heart before you listen. Should you determine to tune in, listen and see if you don’t hear and learn something about Christ’s Kingdom and maybe even about some preconceived and possibly outdated ideas through today’s conversation with Jordan.
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The Center of Arizona Policy is on a mission to promote and defend the foundational values of life, marriage and family, and religious freedom. Cathi Herrod serves as the President of CAP and leads the charge daily. Along the way she advocates for educational freedom, protecting the rights of people to be able choose an education for their children. It is a great gift in the state of Arizona for underprivileged families to be given educational freedom and be able to choose what kind of education they want for their children. All great gifts must be stewarded well. Listen to the passion in Cathi’s appeal in the impact and importance of registering to vote, being well informed, and actively voting can help protect this unique opportunity in the state of Arizona. Phoenix Christian prides itself on being culturally diverse and is a melting pot of all different backgrounds and ethnicities. It would not be possible without people like you actively protecting the rights of Arizonans to enjoy educational freedom of choice. Check out this episode to learn how you can be useful in having an eternal impact in the lives of kids who might otherwise not have an opportunity to experience the benefits of freely choosing he education that best meets their needs.
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Could you imagine coming home one day to find your home ransacked and your name being on the arrest list because of your faith? What would you do if you and your family had to relocate for religious freedom? Well Daniel Ted knew one thing, he wanted to serve the Lord and serve his people so he started a ministry called Christian Islamic Dialogue where he strives to preach the gospel to Muslims. Instead of becoming bitter he saw his situation as an opportunity to spread the good news of Jesus all over the US and even back to his homeland planting seeds in the hearts of many. Listen in to this captivating story as he passionately shares about his ministry and raises awareness to the urgency and need for the gospel to be brought Muslims everywhere.
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Can you ever have your cake and eat it to? Maybe not with cake, but there is a way to pay your taxes and use the same money to make a donation that just might change an eternity for others who you may never meet in person. In this episode of The Beacon, we welcome Steve Vogel of School Choice Arizona for a return visit. Steve shares the good news of how taxpayers in Arizona (both corporations and individuals) can recommend that the state use their tax dollars to make school choice a possibility for students and families whose options for education are otherwise limited. You can also learn about Thrive Arizona a ministry started by Steve and Teri Vogel that has either prevented or rescued over 1,000 children from the foster care system. God is using the unexpected to do the unexplainable through SCA and ThriveAZ!
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Arizona Christian University is not what it used to be. In fact, the school isn’t even where it used to be. In this episode, ACU President Len Munsil talks about his personal walk with the Lord and how God used his time at ASU to prepare Him for an amazing journey as a husband, father, attorney, author, and university president. Recently, God used a connection with ASU again to reveal His perfect plans for incredible provision and growth at Arizona Christian University and President Munsil talks candidly about the ways God is still using the unexpected to do the unexplainable while equipping students to have an impact for the sake of God’s Kingdom here on earth and in heaven.
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There is no question from Mary Burnridge’s accent that she grew up in Texas. Early in life, Mary discovered a God-given heart for the vulnerable. Her pursuits to serve God led her oversees and to her own hometown neighborhoods. When her husband, Mike, accepted the pastoral call to Phoenix, she discovered the overwhelming needs of a large refugee population. Mary’s response led to unexplainable personal growth and joy. In this episode you will also hear of the depths refugees face and the heights of lives changed through encounters with The Living God. As a bonus, you will also be encouraged from Ashley Felix and Jeremiah Montgomery, two amazing members of the graduating class of 2020!
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Cindy Humes grew up in a household surrounded by alcoholics and drug addicts. She married her highschool sweetheart, who also became an alcoholic. Later in life she met and fell in love with her husband Lee. Her relationship with Lee was incredible, but they both knew that Lee was battling an addiction to crack cocaine. Growing up around people with addictions and not wanting to see her husband go down the same path, Cindy asked Lee what would best help him with the struggle. Lee said, “to help others like me.” That was twenty years ago and ever since then Deep Within Rehab ministers and helps men struggling with strong addictions to personally encounter God as they live together in community. Deep Within Rehab provides each man with outstanding mentorship, and gives them the tools and steps needed to be a productive member of society. Hear how God is using Lee and Cindy, together with their broken backgrounds and experiences, through Deep Within to radically impact the lives of countless men. In this episode you will also hear the gripping account of their most current fight as Lee has been in the hospital for over a month battling complications from the Corona Virus and other health issues.
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Eric Swithin had a rough start. His earliest memory as a child was divorce court. Growing up in a household with his mom and a series of eight different men with whom she lived, or to whom she was married, left him with a void that many children have experienced at some level. Eric was fatherless and living a life in pursuit of attention and something tangible to fill that void. In high school, Eric experienced a radical encounter with Jesus that continues to shape his life many years later. Ethan grew up in a Christian home and attended a private Christian school. When his dad left their family during middle school, Ethan was angry, hurt and confused. Jesus mobilized some men in Ethan’s life to invest in him along the way. Today Eric and Ethan work together at Outdoor Adventures in Pagosa Springs in order to reach-out to the fatherless through incredible experiences in nature and mentoring. You’ll be blown away by their testimony and the amazing ways in which God is using their past experiences to drive their current adventures!
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Winning a National Title with an undefeated team as a college soccer player was a big accomplishment for Jordan Francis, but nothing in his life compares to falling in love with Jesus in 2010. He moved to the US for college and, after living in Texas and Oklahoma, Jordan and his wife relocated in Phoenix to plant a church. Little did they know that God had something “unexpected” in mind and is doing the “unexplainable” through Jordan via a unique friendship with many young adults on many campuses around the Valley of the Sun. Listen in as we discover the ways in which God is using “Real Talk” and Jordan for His glory and for the sake of His Kingdom on earth and in heaven.
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In this amazing episode you’ll meet Pedro Perez, owner of Parc Phoenix. Pedro’s business is one to watch and he credits the great start he has gotten in large part to an organization known as Hustle Phoenix. The founder of Hustle Phoenix is Oye Waddell. Oye is not just a Rose Bowl champion from his days playing football at the University of Washington, he is a world-class encourager who God is using to make a difference today for the sake of eternity. Listen and learn about ways in which God is always looking to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things for His glory and for the good of His Kingdom on earth and also in heaven. We enjoyed having Oye and Pedro on today’s show and know you will also enjoy hearing from them.
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Kelby Milgrim uses science in his classroom to teach students about life beyond their high school campus. Confronted with the global pandemic of Covid19, and sharing the disappointment of the competitive MESA team that represents Phoenix Christian nationally, Mr. Milgrim chose to look for innovative opportunities. Especially for this years’ seniors whose high school graduation will likely be the most unique and unforgettable for many years in the future, and certainly in the past, this creative teacher and mentor was seeking a way to make a difference and have an impact. Listen to the ways in which God showed up and is using their availability to deliver needed protective gear to the front lines of the war against this deadly microscopic enemy. We think you will be encouraged by the truth that “problems present opportunities” for God-sized outcomes for His glory and for our collective good.
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God has a history of doing amazing things through available people during unprecedented times. Through this episode, we know you will be encouraged as Dr. Mike Fleischmann, author and Pastor of Bethany Bible Church in Phoenix, outlines instruction from the Apostle Paul for perseverance, that leads to encouragement, resulting in hope for seasons of life just like RIGHT NOW. All of us can have a disproportionate impact in the lives of others each and every day as we navigate a global pandemic. Pastor Mike shows just how simple it is to have a profound impact on someone else.
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We don’t know for sure, but we think Tim Reed’s middle name just might actually be “Encourager.” We dare you to listen to this episode without feeling encouraged. After 40 years in Education, the last 30 of them spent at Arizona Christian University, Tim Reed is stepping away from his full time role with the institution. Listen to this episode to hear his heart and watch God encourage your own. It is no wonder that the Lord has blessed His ministry through thousands of very personal and meaningful relationships over his career. We were honored to have Tim as a guest and we know you will enjoy hearing from him directly as he reflects not only on where he has been, but also shares the next season of life the Lord has in store.
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Kenn Kington is one of the most popular comics on XM radio and he performs regularly across the county. He is a powerful motivator working with hundreds of companies to gain focus, maximize productivity and experience record setting product launches. Kenn has authored two bestselling books on relationships and records a regular radio show/podcast that inspires thousands to live life to the fullest. Listen in to this episode and be encouraged to encourage others by a world class encourager. We know you will enjoy getting to know Kenn Kington and learning the one word key he learned to unlock MOWO in his life and yours.
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People often say we can all count on a couple of things in life… Death and Taxes. In this episode we welcome Sally Henry (Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization) back to the program, along with special guest Sarah Raybon (Arizona School Tuition Organization Association). These ladies are experts on how to transform your taxes in the state of Arizona from a drudgery that goes against the general budget to a purposeful gift given with joy to change lives for the sake of all eternity. Listen in, be informed, and share this episode with all of your friends in the state of Arizona! The government is just waiting for you to tell them how to direct a significant portion of your tax money in Arizona and only 3% of taxpayers are taking advantage of the opportunity. You still can’t keep the tax money you owe, but for over twenty years now you can at least tell the state how to spend/invest some it! The opportunity is unique, the benefit is eternal, the time is now to act!
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When people pray on earth, things happen in heaven. When things happen in heaven, things happen on earth. God is using Arizona State Representative Nancy Barto’s willingness to step outside her comfort zone to move heaven and earth. A homemaker with a fear of public speaking put a passion to pray for the unborn stepped out in faith and in simple obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit nearly twenty years ago. Listen to this episode of the Beacon to learn how God continues to unfold His perfect plans for Representative Barto as she seeks to become Senator Barto in 2020. God is using the unexpected to do the unexplainable and Representative Barto’s story will encourage and challenge each of us as we seek to discover ways in which the God of this universe wants to work in, through, and around us as well.
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A three-sport athlete at Apollo high school, with multiple State Championship Titles and a love for Basketball, God used an FCA experience to save Prince Amukamara. Also a talented football player, he was recruited to play in the Big 12 for the Cornhuskers of Nebraska. It was really cold in Nebraska, and the role he was offered when he arrived wasn’t what Prince had signed up for when the coaches convinced him to attend their school. Feeling misled, betrayed, and manipulated he thought seriously about transferring to play at another school. God showed up and sustained him through the feeling of loss and disappointment. Previously an offensive standout, the great college career that followed on the defensive side of the ball led to being selected in the first round of the NFL draft. His success on the field is amazing, it is important and Prince is grateful, but he talks with us in this episode about faith, football and sanctification. Hear how God is working through his availability to further the Kingdom in ways Prince never imagined as a kid growing up in Glendale, Arizona.
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Rosario Lopez served 25 years with the Phoenix Police Department. Although initially unaware of God’s ultimate plans for something in the future, a 2004 commitment Rosario made to his daughter Amanda is bringing forth a new and previously unexpected life trajectory. Nearly two decades later, Rosario and Amanda are committed to a pursuit of light and hope to the youth of central Phoenix. Listen to this episode and learn of new beginnings of hope, purpose, determination, and God’s clarity on “your why.”
In the 1980s Patrick Morley was a successful real estate professional, and an unsuccessful book author. Book sales had been less than stellar and facing a warehouse full of unmoved product, he determined that he would pass them along free of charge to pastors of local churches rather than let them sit indefinitely. God showed up and millions of people have since read “The Man in the Mirror” throughout the world. Man in the Mirror and the impact of the once-struggling book is recognized among the most influential in history. In this episode we hear from Greg English, the Area Director for the Greater Phoenix Region of Man in the Mirror, and learn how God is mobilizing men to encourage and disciple men in the context of a relationship with Jesus and one another.
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Believers are called to “go to ever nation.” What if those nations were closer than the we realize? What if we could be on a worldwide mission in our own neighborhood? Meet Will Krueger in this episode of the Beacon as we share a conversation about GoTEN (Go to Every Nation). Hear what ministry partners and volunteers known as “encouragers” of GoTEN are doing to welcome, serve, equip and bless refugees who have been placed in America. All of us are in need of both physical and spiritual support. Imagine, if you can, trying to connect in a new city, culture, climate without even knowing how to speak the language. God is using this unique ministry to seek and save many souls for the sake of His Kingdom here on earth and in heaven.
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Each season of life provides opportunities to serve God. Retirement takes on new meaning for retirees in the SOWERS (Servants On Wheels Ever Ready) Ministry. Across America, Christian couples are pursuing the adventure of RV work ministry to provide volunteer help to Christian organizations. Listen to two amazing couples pursuing new horizons of lives of service, adventure with a front row seat to the dynamic impact the Church is having through many different expressions of world changing ministry.
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God is faithful from generation to generation. When fleeing from Liberia during a civil war, his mom could not have known that the Lord was ordering her steps and that of her children still to come to Phoenix, Arizona by way of Africa, Massachusetts, Minnesota. Manace Freeman (ManMan) certainly knows now. Listen to this episode to learn how God made him strong, fast and gave him a name that fits. Hear the passion of Joe Eriquez of Heart for the City to reach “kids in the hood” with the gospel of Jesus Christ in this encouraging episode.
Coaches Tara Poovey and Stephanie Roberts share a love for basketball and Jesus. Although their two journeys have led both coaches on separate global pursuits and into parenthood their shared passion is to invest in young athletes. A love for basketball and a commitment to excellence have drawn them together, but their shared goals transcend practices and games to something far larger. Together with team Captains Ainsley, Malia, and Galilea, you are invited to listen in to this episode for a glimpse of the kingdom impact that God is bringing about through the lives of dedicated coaches with Spirit-led vision and an eternal mindset.
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Veronica Morrison got to know someone special at Young Life. She met Jesus and fell hard in love with Him. Then she met Alister, another Young Life leader, who greeted her with a big sloppy kiss in front of an audience of kids (more context if you listen to the show). God keeps introducing Veronica to people that He wants to love, know, redeem and use for the sake of His Kingdom and eternity. Through Veronica’s availability to Jesus, many answered prayers, and her sensitivity to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit you will be encouraged and inspired. Catch this episode to hear how God is still in the redemption and restoration business in the world and specific through Young Lives of Arizona, a ministry of Young Life. Hear how Jesus loves and provides in this fascinating story of Veronica’s journey with Jesus.
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Room for Me Ministries
In this episode we explore the idea that God’s handiwork is best experienced and celebrated in a community that includes the diverse bouquet that reflects His creation. Dr. Jeff McGee is the Founder and CEO of Cross Culture Dynamics. He is passionate about promoting the success of others in the areas of Cultural Competency, Health and Wellness, and Leadership Development. He and his organization have worked in many sectors including non-profit, government, business, and churches. His passion and humble approach to ushering in the Kingdom of Heaven while still here on earth will refresh, encourage and challenge you.
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Addiction to drugs, gambling, bankruptcy, eviction, vehicle repossession and an arrest on multiple felony charges don’t define Ryan Brase. God’s grace, His unconditional love, together with His redemptive and sovereign work all shine through Ryan and his family. God’s work in, through and around Ryan’s life is prime example of how God uses the unexpected to do the unexplainable. Listen to this episode to hear one man’s journey through depression and opioid addiction to a place of redemption, restoration and usefulness in ministry to others. Ryan’s authenticity and transparency will challenge and encourage you, especially if you or someone you know has struggled or is struggling with a life spiraling out of control. There is hope!
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Immanuel, God is with us. Not just when it feels natural to celebrate and we sense His presence easily, but also when we are mourning and need His presence desperately. God is with us. Listen in to this meaningful and encouraging conversation with Greg Williams and his son, Stephen, as they talk about the tragic and sudden loss of Connie Williams. God is close to the broken-hearted and we sincerely hope that this episode will encourage you as you listen to their story of how God is still redeeming the unexpected in their lives to do what is unexplainable apart from Him.
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Listen this powerful conversation as four high school seniors share candidly of their life change through Christian education made possible directly by scholarship dollars donated in conjunction with Arizona’s incredible state tax credit program. Their stories are inspiring.
Also joining Jeff Blake in the studio for this episode is Sally who has worked as ACSTO’s Marketing Manager for several years. Sally travels far and wide across the state appearing at churches and school events. She is an involved parent and an educator. Sally enjoys bringing experience, enthusiasm, and creative solutions to the table for many valued partners who are working hard to facilitate inspiring student stories just like those featured in today’s program.
God is creative and people are among His greatest handiwork. The guests on this episode of the Beacon can be found in a variety of roles, in a variety of places, and utilizing a variety of educational formats. All with a common purpose of leading and equipping students to discover their God-given talents, strengths, and especially their passion. Jeff Blake and Steve Woods are joined by numerous alumni of Phoenix Christian whose common passion is impacting and encouraging students from every walk of life. Fun fact about today’s guests… they are impacting lives in public, charter, private and home school settings today. Long before these heroes were teaching professionals God was at work equipping them as students at Phoenix Christian. A special thank you to David Callahan ’06, Justin McLain ‘98, Rich Polley ’85, and Heather Van Sant ’94 for joining us to celebrate different expressions of education and ministry.
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September 29, 2019 | Hosted by Steve Woods
Grand Canyon College was founded in 1949 in Prescott, Arizona and moved in 1951 to 90 acres in what was then West Phoenix in 1951. The school was fully accredited by 1968 and in 1984 the trustees voted to transition to university status by the schools 40th anniversary. Grand Canyon University subsequently moved from being owned and operated by the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention to being self-owned and governed by the Board of Trustees. By the early 2000s, GCU was struggling with dwindling financial support and in 2003 a small group of investors acquired the university and turned the focus to online education for working adults. That initial leadership later transitioned to a new leadership team in 2008 which brought about further clarity for mission and vision. More than a billion dollars has been invested in GCU over the last decade and in 2018 the institution successfully returned to the non-profit roots in order to provide students and faculty many equitable opportunities.
In this episode, we welcome Dr. Lisa Bernier, GCU College of Education, to learn about strategic partnerships being formed with public, charter, and most recently with private Phoenix Christian Preparatory School (also founded in 1949) in order to embed and equip GCU education students in a live classroom setting in ways that are intentionally beneficial for all involved. God continues to work through GCU and Phoenix Christian 70 years later in new ways that will encourage you as you listen. LOPES UP!!!
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September 15, 2019 | Hosted by Steve Woods
Ryan Stephens is a veteran teacher who has adapted his teaching style over the past 15 years. Gus Chaydez is in his fourth year of teaching and is at home in a classroom where he can speak the truth in love and with passion. These two men talk candidly about their experiences as educators and about the lives of students that have profoundly impacted their journey along the way.
September 8, 2019 | Hosted by Steve Woods
Hear the story of how God perfectly ordered the beginning of Phoenix Bible Church in an unexpected way so that Jesus gets all the glory and His Kingdom is lived out on earth in, through, and around this body of His people in central Phoenix.
September 1, 2019 | Hosted by Jeff Blake
Our Living God is vibrantly active in our community using the unexpected to do the explainable! Listen in for a front row seat to learn how Christian organizations are reaching across denominational and geographical divides to serve our community! Listen and be inspired by God’s love for the fatherless and for those in need!
August 18, 2019 | Hosted by Steve Woods
Jesus prayed in John 17 that we (the church that would come after Him) would be one just as He and His Father are one. Unity was so important that Jesus made an appeal to His Heavenly Father to ask for it for His Body, the church! People are never more united than when they sing with one heart and one voice. Justin Unger founded Likewise Worship and is passionate about equipping those that equip the saints through worship! Listen in to this episode to hear how God is working in new and significant ways to answer an old prayer!
August 11, 2019 | Hosted by Steve Woods
The Power of Prayer! Our Heavenly Father is all knowing, He is all powerful, and He is always working through the good, and the bad, events in our lives to glorify Himself and for the good of those He loves so much. Listen to the remarkable and miraculous story of how God used the unexpected to do the unexplainable in the lives of the Calderon family.
August 4, 2019 | Hosted by Steve Woods
Science and God are inseparable for STEM Director, Kelby Milgrim. Kelby felt called as a young boy to evangelize the world for Christ. In the same way that Billy Graham used crusades to share the gospel with the masses, this science teacher uses his gifts and passion to impact his students and the world by furthering Christ’s Kingdom one robot and MESA victory at a time! Many parents are looking for excellent academic opportunities and as the Phoenix Christian STEM Director, Mr. Milgrim provides exactly that and a whole lot more!
STEM experience through the eyes of a PC Student
The prophet Isaiah wrote, “When you did awesome things that we did not look for, you came down, the mountains quaked at your presence.” Sara (pronounced Sauda) Ramirez is on a mission from God. Listen to this episode and be encouraged by the testimony of a young woman walking daily in the Spirit who is being used by the God of Isaiah to accomplish awesome things in the lives of those around her everywhere she goes!
Imagine journeying thousands of miles from home to a distant land with new languages and culture. Imagine making this journey as a high school student with all the social and educational pressures.
Check out this episode of the Beacon and be encouraged by the testimony of courageous international students who discovered a personal relationship with the living God!
Daryl Layne was given a death sentence in 1978. He was told that he would be lucky to live another 90 days. God had other plans for Daryl. Check out this episode of the Beacon and be encouraged by the God Who still does miracles and by a story that will surely be an encouragement to you as you listen.
There is no substitute for experience. Today’s guests have gained more than 100 years of combined wisdom through their ministry to students, parents and other teachers in the classroom through their careers. They have seen God provide in miraculous ways and have celebrated as He has done things that only He can do so that only God can do. Listen in as they offer the secret to success in the classroom to teachers, students and parents from their perspective as they retire from full-time teaching roles and enter the next season of their lives.
Some say that pastors, their spouses, and their families live in a fishbowl. They are often evaluated, judged, and even criticized by every member of their congregation. How does someone who feels called into ministry as a vocational shepherd maintain and sustain a life of serving those of us who (let’s be honest) can sometimes be the smelliest of sheep? Enter Standing Stone Ministry… In today’s show, we meet with James Fillingame and learn about this purposeful organization on a mission to shepherd and care for the shepherds and their families.
The Beaconis sponsored by Phoenix Christian.
In this episode of The Beacon, Steve Vogel of School Choice Arizona talks with us about the passion he and his wife, Teri, share for the broken and hurting. In August of 2016 Teri founded Thrive Arizona with the initial purpose of identifying and meeting the needs of families who would otherwise have children removed from their house. Steve shares their personal story of how God first used the unexpected to do the unexplainable by leading them into fostering when they didn’t even see it coming. Listen in to learn more about how God is working through Thrive Arizona, School Choice Arizona and Phoenix Christian to support and partner with foster families and students.
In this episode, our featured guests include Nate Perkins, Danielle Rinnier and Lauren Scharnweber (PC Elementary Principal). Our conversation looks at the heart and experience of Foster Care in three households as well as for the kids and families they love and nurture along the way.
Phoenix Christian is proud and honored to partner with a significant number of foster families and students. Join us by listening in to this episode and learn more about what foster care ministry is and, perhaps even more importantly, what foster care is not.
The Beacon, sponsored by Phoenix Christian.
In this episode, our featured guest is Joe Eriquez, founder of Heart for the City. Heart for the City does whatever it takes to work with the WHOLE KID in the life of EACH KID in order to raise up a new generation.
Hear how God is using sports, mentoring, job training, community and a private Christian education at PC to break down life barriers for at risk youth. In this show we shine a brighter light on the transforming work of the Lord in the lives of students.
Learn how timely, simple and easy it is to support this work by providing scholarship dollars for these young people, funded through corporate tax credits from the State of Arizona. How will God use you to make a profound difference for the sake of all eternity?
The Beacon, sponsored by Phoenix Christian.
This episode features PC’s beloved baseball coach, Mark Band. Mark is a life coach on and off the field and has built a baseball program committed to excellence in Central Phoenix at Phoenix Christian. Listen in as we talk about life and baseball with one of the most impactful and respected coaches in the Valley of the Sun.
The Beacon, sponsored by Phoenix Christian.
Dr. Mike Fleischmann is the Senior Pastor of Bethany Bible Church in Phoenix, Arizona. In this broadcast, we learn a little about Mike and his passion for local church ministry. We will also hear Mike’s perspective on the significant value of doubters and skeptics. We hope you will listen and be encouraged by the authenticity and relevance of a relationship with Jesus made possible because of what happened so many years ago on the first Easter.
The Beacon, sponsored by Phoenix Christian.
In this episode, we share the very personal and traumatic story of Tina and Brian Hines (PC alum). God continues to use their story more than a year after that fateful date of February 12, 2018. That was the day that Tina died five times. Tina’s testimony of seeing Jesus and a glimpse from this life into the next one is compelling and inspiring. Their love for the Lord, for each other, and for those who the Lord puts in their path will challenge and encourage you as you listen to how God is using the unexpected to do the unexplainable.
The Beacon, sponsored by Phoenix Christian.
In this episode, we celebrate how God allows you to use the unexpected (your Arizona state tax revenue) to do the unexplainable (support private Christian education as well as others in need). Among the guests in this episode is Dennis Rogers, a CPA and Financial Planner, with a Master’s Degree in Taxation from ASU. You will also hear from Sally Henry, of ACSTO, the oldest and biggest School Tuition Organization in Arizona. Also in studio for this broadcast is Jeff Blake, Superintendent of Phoenix Christian. Listen in and learn how you can personally direct your state tax dollars in some very specific ways.
The Beacon, sponsored by Phoenix Christian.
In this episode, we celebrate how God used the unexpected to do the unexplainable in and through Sue Wright. Married to Lucky Lawrence, a larger than life rock-n-roll DJ in the years when AM radio was the king of media, Sue began a journey of transformation when she met Jesus Christ. This episode shines a light on the amazing legacy that came out of a marriage that was in shambles. Listen in as we honor Sue and give God glory!
The Beacon, sponsored by Phoenix Christian.
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