Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in ministering to our students, teachers, and staff. Phoenix Christian Preparatory is blessed to have many parents and community members who desire to be involved in our school. Research overwhelmingly indicates that when parents and other volunteers participate in school activities, children have a higher success rate in learning and benefit tremendously. Additionally, the safety of our children is of the utmost importance.
To be added to the list of Phoenix Christian volunteers, please return the following documents to Susana Pacheco, spacheco@phoenixchristian.org
1. Volunteer Form (Parts 1 and 2) or Forma de voluntarios (partes 1 y 2)
2. Completed background check form (pages 1-2) OR a valid fingerprint clearance card issued within the last 4 years
3. A copy of your driver’s license and social security card (copy of original documents must be made by a member of Phoenix Christian staff)
4. Please read and sign/return the last slide of the Mandated Reporting Powerpoint