Anthony Suarez

School Counselor
Name: Anthony Suarez
Department: School Counselor
Year started at PC: 2023
Degrees: B.A. in Christian Studies (Emphasis in
California Baptist University | Riverside, CA
M.A. in Organizational Leadership
Grand Canyon University | Phoenix, AZ.
M.A. in Missional Theology
Covenant Theological Seminary via Missional Training Center (MTC) | Tempe, AZ
Relevant Work Experience: I worked for about 15 years in Higher Education
holding various roles and responsibilities within Student Life and Residence life
departments at different universities. I also taught 8 years teaching at a credit
recovery High School here in Phoenix. Throughout all of those roles, my heart has
always been to help youth and young adults flourish by recognizing and
embracing their gifts, identity, and purpose.

Why Phoenix Christian:Most of my adult life has been discipling youth and young
adults in their identity in Christ, their passions, and their purpose. I believe that
Phoenix Christian is a place where God can use my own purpose and passion to
see youth flourish by creating systems and spaces for them to explore who God is,
what He has done, who they are in Him, and how they should live in light of all of
those truths.

List a favorite quote (with attribution)
“Live in the kingdom of God in such a way that it provokes
questions for which the gospel is the answer.” -Lesslie Newbigin

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